
UNIVERSALHOSPITALHOSPITALPUNE https://universalhospitalhospitalpune.nowfloats.com

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Best stem cell treatment in pune, india. Are you looking for kidney disease treatment ? Universal hospital is best stem cell hospital in pune, india Chronic kidney diseases are also known as chronic renal diseases. It is a progressive loss in the renal function where the kidneys stop functioning over a period of time. As per statistical data, chronic kidney diseases (CKD) are increasing at the rate of 6-8% per annum worldwide. At present, dialysis and transplantation remain the only clinical trial options. Stem cell is non invasive procedure which does not require any stitch, dissection or tissues manipulation. In adults it can be undertaken under local aesthesia. Children may need tranquiliser or short aesthesia for five minutes only. Bone marrow Transplantation is autologous, so there is no fear of rejection or mismatch or need for immunosuppressant required in other transplantation surgeries. AUTOLOGOUS stem cells are safe . Good results are documented in otherwise dead-end patients. Other clinical trial modalities are only supportive and empirical.
