
UNIVERSALHOSPITALHOSPITALPUNE https://universalhospitalhospitalpune.nowfloats.com

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I was lost my eye-site since last 4 years , was unable to see clearly.i was a totally dependent for daily activity. My life was very painful.after watching TV program i was underwent stemcell treatment. The first change noticed was after 2 month my deteriorating vision was stopped , Now I getting slight vision.

Pratibha Dhoke

I get new life

suffering from -muscular dystrophy (SMA) is a genetic disorder. He had difficulty in walking, due to progressive weakness in all limbs.After Surgery There was remarkable improvement in power of both limbs and very next day he is standing and try to take stem with support. Combination therapy is very useful to such cases & patient can stand or walk ...Read More suffering from -muscular dystrophy (SMA) is a genetic disorder. He had difficulty in walking, due to progressive weakness in all limbs.After Surgery There was remarkable improvement in power of both limbs and very next day he is standing and try to take stem with support. Combination therapy is very useful to such cases & patient can stand or walk immediately.

Divya preet Singh

Patient's Improvement

Universal Hospital is Very Very Clean !! and friendly Staff..


Very good services.

