
UNIVERSALHOSPITALHOSPITALPUNE https://universalhospitalhospitalpune.nowfloats.com

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Down syndrome with the most frequent and best known chromosomal disorder Trisomy 21 is a condition caused by an error in cell division that results in chromosomal abnormalities. Such chromosomal disorder delays the development of a child. It affects about one in every 700 babies. Early intervention of Down syndrome infants and children with Fetal (derived) Stem Cell can make a difference in maximizing their potential abilities for a better quality life. Regular screening for common medical problems, a conducive family environment and vocational training can improve the overall development of Down syndrome. Medical textbooks state that genetic and chromosomal disorders have no known clinical trial. Numerous Down syndrome children had already been clinical with driven Stem Cell before the age of 13. The results concluded that there is a statistically significant improvement in height, IQ, concentration, speech, motor skills and immune system. With each subsequent Stem Cell carried out at an early stage, the typical features of Down syndrome become less pronounced and the immunological deficiencies are corrected. Down syndrome is one of many conditions which have responded dramatically to Stem Cell .
