
UNIVERSALHOSPITALHOSPITALPUNE https://universalhospitalhospitalpune.nowfloats.com

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Muscular Dystrophy is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder that weakens the muscles which are responsible for the movement of the body. A person with muscular dystrophy is not able to produce dystrophin protein. Dystrophin is essential for integrity of muscle fibre. Absences of dystrophin lead to slow destruction of muscle over a period of time making it difficult for a person to perform even basic movements like walking and sitting up. When clinical Muscular Dystrophy lack of protein is a major concern. However use of driven mesenchymal cells will provide healthy genes and stem cell transplantation may reset up the blood-making function, decrease the serum CK level, restore the dystrophin in muscles and improve the locomotive function of the DMD patients. As per previous study of Literature, after allogenic stem cell transplantation, DNA analysis showed that the donor's gene DNA accounted for 1%-13%. At 126 days, obviously increased dystrophin positive muscular fibres of the boy were found. The donor's fibres rose to 2.5%-25%. The serum CK of the boy declined from 5735 U/L to 274 U/L. At 100 days, physical examination revealed improvement in arms and leg.
