
UNIVERSALHOSPITALHOSPITALPUNE https://universalhospitalhospitalpune.nowfloats.com

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Universal Hospital, Kasba Peth is one of the Best Stemcell Hospital in Pune -411011 cerebral palsy treatment, stem cell therapy cost, stem cell treatment in india, narayan seva sansthan udaipur, chaitanya hospital, cerebral palsy cure University of Adelaide researchers have uncovered a genetic signal common to both cerebral palsy and autism. The finding comes from the first large-scale study of gene expression in children with cerebral palsy. The researchers, from the University's Australian Collaborative Cerebral Palsy Research Group in the Robinson Research Institute, also showed common underlying molecular pathways in clinically diverse cerebral palsy. They say both findings add significantly to the weight of evidence for underlying genetic causes of cerebral palsy. "Cerebral palsy is the most common motor disability of childhood with a frequency of around two in every 1000 live births, " says lead researcher Dr Clare van Eyk, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Adelaide Medical School, University of Adelaide. "We know that, like autism, it's a disorder of brain development primarily during pregnancy. But the underlying causes of cerebral palsy are still poorly understood." In this study, the researchers use new RNA sequencing technology to measure the gene messengers (RNA) in cells from children with cerebral palsy.
